Hyku for Consortia

Together with the PALNI consortium, we are developing an affordable, open-source, and collaborative repository solution based on the Hyku software.

PALCI is partnering with the Private Academic Library Network of Indiana (the two consortia together representing 94 academic libraries in Indiana, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, West Virginia, and New York), to explore, develop, and pilot an open source, multi-tenant, consortial institutional repository (IR). The model should deliver ultra low-cost hosting, discovery, and access to digital material for member libraries. Ultimately, project collaborators aim to create a consortial repostiory service individual libraries may use, customize, and brand as their own, while building the capacity and functionality required to share underlying infrastructure, hosting, and administration costs across institutions. Partnering organizations will build member libraries’ capacity to serve their communities with access to digital collections by reducing IR-hosting and administration costs through shared infrastructure.

Interested in piloting the software? Contact us: support@palci.org

Read more: https://hykuforconsortia.org

Collaborative Collections Lifecycle Project (CCLP)

Empowering Value-Driven Library Collections in a Network-First Environment

The partnership is led by National Information Standards Organization (NISO), the Partnership for Academic Library Collaboration & Innovation (PALCI), and Lehigh University Libraries. The infrastructure will create a suite of best practices, improved standards, and middleware for the development and management of collective collections and will support varied implementation models, data interoperability, and sharing of expertise across a range of institutions and consortia. 

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Recently Completed Projects & Initiatives

Affordable Learning PA

Get involved in Affordable Learning PA!

From 2018-2023, PALCI received LSTA grants to develop and launch a robust community of practice around open textbooks at the higher education institutions in Pennsylvania and the region, with more than sixty institutions participating. Benefits of the program included a consortial membership in the Open Education Network and an annual ALPA Summit event, as well as additional training and professional development opportunities. At the close of the grant-funded phase of this initiative, PALCI completed a statewide OER course materials affordability survey with partner Bay View Analytics, providing baseline data to further support education and awareness-building activities in the region. In October 2023, PALCI’s fiscal agency for the administration of the grant came to an end, and ALPA was transitioned to a self-run community of practice.

Affordable Learning PA was a grant-funded project made possible in part by Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funds from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services and the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, Department of Education, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Wolf, Governor.

To learn more and to get involved, please visit the ALPA website at https://www.affordablelearningpa.org/.

Follow along on Twitter! @ALearningPA

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Consortia Collaborating on a Platform for Library Usage Statistics

PALCI and partnering international library consortia (CDL, ConnectNY, Couperin, CRKN, GALILEO, Jisc, SCELC, USMAI, and VIVA, among others) were the recipients of an Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) National Leadership Grant in the amount of $247,500 in 2018. The project, entitled “Establishing a Cloud-Based Consortial Platform for Library Usage Statistics (CC-PLUS),” wrapped up in Summer 2021, and the resulting platform is now available for use.

PA Grants for Open and Affordable Learning (PA GOAL)

The PA GOAL program will encourage and support creating, adapting, and adopting Open Educational Resources (OER) and other zero-cost materials at Pennsylvania institutions of post-secondary and higher education

PA GOAL will support student success by offering mini-grants to create open and affordable learning projects at a diverse range of institutions across Pennsylvania, through funding provided by the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund (GEER) by the state Department of Education (PDE) through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries (OCL), and managed by PALCI, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit membership organization.

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