Conduct Committee Charge & Reporting Information
The establishment of this Conduct Committee was recommended to the PALCI Board by the Code of Conduct Task Force and approved on June 4, 2020. This committee will be Board-appointed, and trained to provide on-going support for the PALCI Code of Conduct.
The PALCI Conduct Committee is a group of trained individuals tasked with leading, modeling, and supporting an on-going respectful and constructive environment in which PALCI members may collaborate and learn from each other. This group will serve as the primary response team trained to address reported conduct issues should they not be resolved first by the parties involved. The PALCI Conduct Committee strives to protect the safety and dignity of all individuals who participate in consortial initiatives and events in-person, online, and asynchronously.
Some of the primary functions of the committee include:
- Building and maintaining an understanding of PALCI’s Code of Conduct
- Receiving preparedness training and developing readiness to support proactive measures, as well as appropriate responses to conduct issues raised
- Leading efforts to raise awareness in PALCI Members about DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) issues with the goal of furthering an inclusive and respectful
- PALCI culture of collaboration and community
- Promoting and modeling appropriate conduct when interacting in a collaborative consortial environment
- Investigating issues in a timely fashion/li>
- Communicating with the PALCI Executive Director, President of the PALCI Board of Directors, and involved individual(s) on the progress and outcomes of any investigations
- Recommending appropriate remedies or actions as needed/li>
- Protecting the confidentiality and dignity of PALCI Members/li>
The Conduct Committee will consist of three library staff leaders from PALCI member institutions. PALCI’s membership and the staff at our member institutions are diverse and includes diverse participants with wide-ranging roles and skill sets. It is essential, therefore, that the membership of the Conduct Committee reflect and embody the diversity of PALCI member library staff. The committee’s membership shall be appointed by the PALCI Board of Directors with the aforementioned need for diversity in mind. Committee members will serve in staggered three-year terms, with an option to renew once. Committee members may serve on the Conduct Committee again after completing a six-year term, following a minimum of one-year off the committee.
Responsibilities & Deliverables
Undergo DEI/conduct training and participate in preparedness training activities to lead, support and protect a culture of inclusivity and respect, with specific attention to issues pertaining to privacy and confidentiality. This should include participating in a dry run of all Conduct Committee procedures for responding to reported violations at least once annually and testing response protocols as defined in the Code of Conduct with recommended best practices. Develop and implement strategies and awareness initiatives to support a culture of inclusivity and respect. This may include:
Building awareness of the PALCI Code of Conduct within the PALCI community
Leading DEI awareness and training efforts among PALCI member library staff
Developing proactive communications with PALCI members to emphasize expectations surrounding PALCI member conduct, minimize issues and misunderstandings, and support a culture of mutual respect.
Having a presence at PALCI member meetings for interaction with members, e.g., a booth
Receive and investigate reports of behavior in violation of PALCI’s Code of Conduct. This process may include:
Receiving reports
Gathering information by conducting interviews with those directly involved with the report and appropriate third parties
Documenting and reporting the results of investigations to the appropriate leader within the PALCI community
Recommending appropriate remedies or actions
Review and recommend necessary revisions to the PALCI Code of Conduct.
Current Members:
Amanda Clossen, Duquesne University
Kathy Hale, State Library of PA
DaVonne Rooney, Jefferson University
Jill Morris, Executive Director, PALCI, Ex-officio
Kornelia Tancheva, PALCI Board President
Anne Krakow, PALCI Board Vice President