The EZBorrow Futures Task Force (EZB-FTF) outlined in the charge below was approved by the Board on March 15, 2023. As such, PALCI will announce a call for nominations, seeking 9-12 library staff from our PALCI partner libraries to serve as task force members who will make recommendations and aid in the design of the future of EZBorrow as a PALCI program.
This new task force represents the opportunity to consider PALCI values and library needs, and to address the changing landscape, including new and forthcoming technological improvements on the near-term horizon. As noted in the charge below, the task force will prioritize inclusion of cross-functional leaders in resource sharing and collections, as well as technologists, and library directors to develop a holistic approach to sharing of our collections in PALCI. A call for participation is forthcoming.
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EZBorrow Futures Task Force Charge:
The EZBorrow Futures Task Force is a group of library decision-makers, experts in resource sharing and collections, technology leaders, functional experts, and practitioners, charged with exploring and recommending the future of consortial lending services, delivery mechanisms, technologies, and practices for PALCI Member Libraries.
While taking into account recent and developing opportunities and challenges in the consortial borrowing landscape, this group will establish and articulate PALCI member needs and identify an approach that will add value to EZBorrow in support of PALCI’s mission.
Responsibilities include:
- Identifying PALCI member institutional needs and challenges as they relate to library and consortial resource sharing of shared collections, especially in consideration of a changing sharing landscape
- Drawing on and considering the implications of and relationship between EZBorrow Futures recommendations for future services/program offerings and network-level collection management and acquisitions, drawing on established PALCI ebook strategies, and furthering the aim of articulating and supporting a healthy resource sharing ecosystem
- Considering expanded collaboration and partnership opportunities
- Determining PALCI readiness and appetite for a consortial CDL service
- Defining an EZBorrow controlled digital lending philosophy and approach, including but not limited to
- Recommending any pilot / exploratory efforts
- Technical considerations and industry standards – system integration points and requirements, ILS support; diverse system configurations
- Legal/Risk considerations
- Scanning/Digitization efforts
- Determining PALCI readiness and need for a nonreturnables EZBorrow service
- Considering and determining needs related to eBook lending/sharing, recommending the new ways to leverage foundational strategic PALCI purchasing
- Recommending improvements or changes needed to current practice to leverage new lending technologies
- Identifying funding / business model considerations for new services
A mix of 9-12 individuals who are resource sharing leaders and practitioners, collections leaders, library directors, and systems/technology librariansNote: This Task Force aims to support a balance of decision-maker needs and practitioner needs – therefore ensuring diverse stakeholder representation on this group will be key to meaningful recommendations.
Anticipated Timeline
- February 2023 – Gather feedback from community members on charge
- March 15, 2023 – Board consideration
- March 15-30, 2023 – If approved, Announcement in March w/call for participation
- June – July 2023 – Launch task force
- December 2023 – Complete report with recommendations to the Board and presentation to PALCI member institutions